As you travel by public transport, just look at the people using their mobiles and observe their postures. Or look at your colleagues working on their laptops with the constant strain on their necks and slouching backs. These instances highlight the poor postures that we adopt in our daily activities especially using our neck. These are the postures that are responsible for causing neck pain, headache and even in certain cases dizziness and vertigo.
Text Neck is a modern age syndrome affecting smartphone users. In today's hyper connected world smartphones are a necessity. May it be professional emails, video calls, social media or just reading articles, the smartphone is something not many of us can live without. According to a research published in The Washington Post, the human head weighs about dozen pounds and due to the increase in the bending of the neck the load on the cervical spine also increases. For a 15’ angle, the load will be around 27 pounds while on doubling the angle to 30’ will increase the load on the cervical spine to 40 pounds and at 60’ it is approximately 60 pounds of load that needs to be handled by the neck.
The neck forms an important bridge between your head and your mid back. The incremental increase of load on the neck in combination with the poor control of the mid back muscles gives rise to issues to spasm of the neck muscles. Hence to overcome these issues, an individual need to start adopting some changes in their lifestyle such as,
In today’s stressful times, adopting such changes might add a new whole meaning to your life not only in terms of your health but also your well-being. Lesser usage of social media can also make your neck bending efficient as well as also give you time to spend with your near ones.
We, at Prohealth Asia physiotherapy center, with our team of expert physiotherapists have devised a treatment plan for cervical pains which impact your posture and neck movement. The treatment is aimed to ensure to improve the recruitment of the muscles as well as provide correct posture advice suiting to the lifestyle of the patient. The treatment provides a holistic approach to educating the patient about their overall condition as well as improving the efficiency of the muscles.
You can schedule your free posture assessment with our center by clicking here.
Come to our Physiotherapy clinic in Niti Bagh, Delhi for a chat with one of our expert physiotherapist to plan the right Physiotherapy treatment for you to get rid of pain in no time.