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Frozen Shoulder

Frozen shoulder, also called adhesive capsulitis, causes pain and stiffness in the shoulder. It usually occurs slowly over time, and it can limit the functional use of your arm.When you have a frozen shoulder, shoulder pain and tightness may make it difficult to reach overhead to perform such simple activities like putting away dishes or combing your hair. If you are a female, you may have difficulty reaching behind your back to fasten your bra. Men might have a hard time reaching into their back pocket to grab their wallet. Frozen shoulder most commonly affects people between the ages of 40 and 60, and occurs in women more often than men. In addition, people with diabetes are at an increased risk for developing frozen shoulder.

At Prohealth Asia our physiotherapists work with you to identify the cause of your shoulder pain and stiffness which led to frozen shoulder, and once you are pain free will teach you how to prevent a recurrence of the condition.


  • Thorough history including review of any diagnostic tests
  • Physical examination which includes evaluation of range of motion and strength of shoulder as well as scapular region,posture, functional status,and other relevant tests
  • Education on your condition and how to manage the pain at home, work and with travel
  • Discussion on the cause of the frozen shoulder and what lifestyle factors may be contributing to your situation
  • Outline of the treatment plan and time-frame required to get you back to normal life
  • Initial treatment to relieve pain and symptoms


  • Manual treatment such as mobilization of the joints
  • Soft tissue release to address tight muscles and fascia
  • Strengthening exercises for weak muscles
  • Postural correction in standing, sitting and sleeping
  • Stretching exercises to improve and maintain flexibility
  • Work and home ergonomic changes
  • Lifestyle advice and referral to nutritionist if applicable
  • Goal identification with estimated timeline to be pain free and return to daily activities and sport
  • Advice and a maintenance programme to keep you fit and active, and prevent injury recurrence.


Come to our Physiotherapy clinic in Niti Bagh, Delhi for a chat with one of our expert physiotherapist to plan the right Physiotherapy treatment for you to get rid of pain in no time.