Breast cancer is one of the common cancers pervasive in cancer patients across the world; majorly affecting females. However, increasing awareness about this disease has encouraged the development of different medical techniques & treatments that can help in early diagnosis and cure. Cancer is the type of disease, which causes cells to grow out of control in body, which takes shape of a lump or a mass that eventually spreads from organ to other parts of body posing threat to patient's life.
The breast cancer cells begin developing in the breast tissues, which include lobules that are milk production glands, ducts that connect lobules to nipple, and lymphatic tissues. The intensity of the cancer is determined on the basis of the extent to which cancer cells have spread.
Breast cancer survivor undergoes surgery and strong medications that charges upon their strength, balance and flexibility and cause difficulty in doing day-to-day activities. The repercussions on physical health post-surgery can persist up to one year and they include tightness of scars, pain in neck, and difficulty in arm & shoulder mobility.
Physiotherapy is the science of healing pains it helps the breast cancer survivors to regain the strength and flexibility. The physical therapy session begins with assessing the condition, which includes evaluating range of motion, level of pain and prescribing appropriate exercises according to fitness goal.
Come to our Physiotherapy clinic in Niti Bagh, Delhi for a chat with one of our expert physiotherapist to plan the right Physiotherapy treatment for you to get rid of pain in no time.